A Noteworthy Story of Nasiternella regia Riedel 914

… or how Nasiternella regia appeared again…


 Nasiternella regia was first found and described by Riedel at the beginning of the 20th century, just in 1914 on the basis of the finding in Romania. Although several more specimen have been found in Albania and Austria during several years since the period, the total number of the specimen constituting the worldwide repertory of the genus could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Since the half of the 20th century the biggest genus of the Pediciidae family disappeared into thin air…

If we are in accordance with the rules of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN): a species is considered extinct when no living individual of the species has been found for at least 50 years, we could consider this species extinct. (EX).

Nevertheless, thanks to new findings of the noteworthy species from Slovakia and Romania we know that this is not the case. It is interesting that there was almost nothing known about the species except its existence. Its larva and pupa were not known and there was no idea about its place of living …

Although not complete today we dispose of considerable knowledge (more info here and here). Nasiternella regia is closely associated with dendrotelmata which are water-filled tree holes, generally in drier and warmer regions. Larvae, not known by now, represent “the top“ predator of the dendrotelmata ecosystems. Pupation also takes place in dendrotelmata and the imagoes spend most of of their life in the ecosystems. Nasiternella is probably active past the day. Although it is quite big and its wings are big accordingly (to 2.5 cm long), it is a very weak flier. The way it searches its partner and new biotopes- dendrotelmata has not been found by now as the observation was always carried during its walk neither its flight.

Dendrotelma : small water ecosystem in trees
Dendrotelma : small water ecosystem in trees
Detail – a look into dendrotelma
Detail – a look into dendrotelma
Nasiternella regia in dendrotelma
Nasiternella regia in dendrotelma

Its mysterious life spent almost all in trees hollows constitutes its protection against predators and it is a probable reason why it could remain unnoticed up to this day. However, its prospect of survival is uncertain due to the consideration of hollows in trees being a sign of a tree “sickness“ and therefor such trees are undesirable in most of commercially used forests …

N. regia the largest representative of the Pediciidae family
N. regia the largest representative of the Pediciidae family
N. regia copulation
N. regia copulation

To resume ….

Only several individuals of the species are known world over and they can be counted on the fingers of three hands. The largest living population of the species is only known in Slovakia at present (plus casually caught specimen in Romania is also published). We can only hope that Nasiternella regia is more common and that it can be found in more regions. However, it is covered from our view due to its mysterious life. Nasiternella is another reason why we should be much more concerned about remaining also the old trees in our foreststs as they are appropriate biotope for many precious, rare and endangered species.

Author of the blog: Jozef Oboňa, Department of Ecology FHNS UP.

Translated by Mgr. Iveta Zubková.

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