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Alghali A.M. (1984). Mating and ovipositional behavior of the stalk-eyed fly Diopsis macrophthalma on rice. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 36: 151–157.
Papp L., Földvári M. & Paulovics P. (1997). Sphyracephala europaea sp. n. (Diptera: Diopsidae) from Hungary represents a family new to Europe. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 58: 137–146.
Kirkpatrick M. (1982). Sexual selection and the evolution of female choice. Evolution 36: 1–12.
Wilkinson G. & Reillo P. (1994). Female choice response to artificial selection on an exaggerated male trait in a stalk-eyed fly. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 255: 1–6.
Zimmer C. (2008). The evolution of extraordinary eyes: the cases of Flatfishes and Stalk-eyed Flies. Evolution Education and Outreach 1: 487. doi:10.1007/s12052-008-0089-9.
David P., Bjorksten T., Fowler K. & Pomiankowski A. (2000). Condition-dependent signalling of genetic variation in stalk-eyed flies. Nature 406: 186–188. doi:10.1038/35018079. PMID10910358.
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